COST Action CA21139

Improving the Quality of Biomedical Science with 3Rs Concepts

In view of the recent reproducibility and predictability crisis in biomedical science, our aim is to establish a network which will work to refine, harmonise and promote data, documents and 3Rs concepts to improve the quality of preclinical research.

The development and introduction of new, powerful concepts for biomedical research is essential to reduce the production of non-reproducible and non-predictive data. This has immense scientific, economic and social significance. In this context, we propose that the findings and concepts from the 3Rs field can greatly help to greatly improve biomedical research on several levels.

More about us

Our Working Groups

The COST Action IMPROVE is structured in four working groups whose topics are heavily interlinked to each other, thus, achievements for single topics will be applicable for the other topics.


1. Quality and Translatability of Science

We investigate validation criteria for 3Rs methods and refine concepts, which could be applied to improve the reproducibility and translatability in biomedical science.


2. Implementation

We examine how awareness and concepts from the 3Rs area could be implemented, but also how development chains of concrete methods and technologies could be established.


3. Dissemination

We promote 3Rs concepts and methods through globally accessible and easy-to-use dissemination channels to drive innovation and improve science.


4. Education

We establish and optimize connections of educational 3Rs related activities within Europe and share experiences, methodologies and best practices.

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Our Values

With the involvement of several Inclusiveness Target Countries we aim to promote geographical, age and gender balance within our activities (COST Excellence and Inclusiveness).

Young Researchers and Innovators (YRIs) receive special funding under the Cost Action IMPROVE. The under-40s take on leadership positions, receive financial support through grants for conferences, workshops and scientific exchange, and benefit from the network and mentors in their career development.

Gender balance is a particular concern of Cost Action IMPROVE. The gender balance in leadership positions and in the working groups guarantees a balanced diversity of opinions and experiences and the implementation of gender aspects in biomedical, humanistic and social science issues.

A very important value in the COST Action IMPROVE is the involvement of Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC). Particular attention will be paid to the involvement of ITC participants in taking and holding leadership positions, holding events (working group meetings, workshops, conferences) in ITCs and providing financial support for participation in conference workshops and training schools to promote knowledge creation, knowledge transfer, career development, networking and the generation of joint projects.


Recent Outcomes

Sep 23, 2024 · 

Open Workshop "Ethics, 3Rs, One Health" by Cost Action IMPROVE X-over Ethics Group

Jun 10, 2024 · 

STSM at IRCCS Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli - Report from Catarina Matos

Jun 3, 2024 · 

STSM at i3S in Porto – Report from Paolo Signorello

May 21, 2024 · 

TATA-BOX online workshop

All outcomes

Upcoming Events

Event Calendar

Calls & Grants

ITC conference grants

Dissemination conference grants

Short-term scientific missions (STSM)

Virtual Mobility Grants

Training Schools

All Calls & Grants

Calls & Grants

ITC conference grants

Support for young researchers from ITC countries to attend beneficial international conferences

Dissemination conference grants

Financial support to present at third-party conferences for promoting our Action

Short-term scientific missions (STSM)

Support of exchange visits for researchers within our Action up to six months

Virtual Mobility Grants

Financial support for virtual collaboration between Action participants

Training Schools

Intensive coaching opportunities for young Action participants that last for up to 15 days

All Calls & Grants

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