The 4th Asian Congress for Alternatives to Animal Experiments (4ACAAE) and 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments India (SAAE-I) took place in Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India from 12.12.-14.12.2024 ( under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Y.J. Gupta and the Local Organizing Committee (LOC), led by Prof. Seikh Raisuddin (Organizing Secretary) supported by Prof. H.A. Khan, Prof. Suhel Parvez, Dr. Nidhi and many more wonderful people from his team.
Winfried Neuhaus was invited to the congress and gave a talk in the international session entitled “Overview about recent European 3Rs activities with a focus on 3Rs centres”, in which he took a closer look at current European developments in the 3Rs field with respect to the EC roadmap of phasing out animal studies and the response dynamics from several stakeholders, and the activities of EU3Rnet (network of European 3R centres) and the COST Action IMPROVE.
Introduction and Updates of the COST Action IMPROVE; Talk of W. Neuhaus at the SGV 2024 in Lausanne, Switzerland (26.-27.2024). Link to the event: SGV Meeting 2024
SGV 2024, CHUV, Lausanne. (© Vootele Voikar)
W.Neuhaus, SGV 2024, 27.11.2024, CHUV, Lausanne. (© Vootele Voikar)
W.Neuhaus, SGV 2024, 27.11.2024, CHUV, Lausanne. (© Vootele Voikar)
Introduction and Updates of the activities of EU3Rnet including an introduction of the COST Action IMPROVE; Talk of W. Neuhaus at the Animalfree Research Forum (Forum - Animalfree Research) in Zurich, Switzerland (11.11.2024).
A summary video of the event could be found via this link: Animalfree Research forum 2024
The COST Action IMPROVE has introduced itself at the Symposium on "3Rs and NAMs: all-inclusive?" in Utrecht, The Netherlands on the 19th of June 2024 (The 3Rs and NAMs: all-inclusive? - News & Events - Utrecht University).
See also following link:
One session featuring leaders of the IMPROVE - 3Rs concepts to improve the quality of biomedical science (CA21139) - Winfried Neuhaus / Nuno Henrique Franco / Jeffrey Bajramovic , talking about sustainability of 3Rs and how this concept is covering good science with best methods available, also the role of increasing number of 3R Centers in Europe.
Dr. Maria Kitsara gave a talk about "Micro- and nanoengineered technologies for bio-applications: focus on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine" at the School of Science and Engineering, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK on 9. August 2023. Emphasis was devoted to cardiac disease modelling and regenerative medicine using polymeric materials.