Networking event "How to organise and respond to pressure to phase out animal experimentation in neuroscience" during the FENS 2024 congress, the biggest Neuroscience congress in Europe with over 8000 participants (FENS Forum 2024 | International Neuroscience Conference), in Vienna, Austria on

A short report could be read on:

Winfried Neuhaus joined the panel for discussion.

Home take messages from the report above (© Vootele Voikar):

Every scientist using animals is also a Lab Animal Scientist - these two disciplines need more dialogue and work together .
Every scientist should be ready to present and explain their work publicly.
Every scientist should use the best model available for a given question.
There is no simple messages or easy answers, communication depends also on target groups.
Only robust and rigorous science is defendable - open science, preregistration, systematic reviews etc to increase transparency and reproducibility, also for exploratory research.
Avoid polarization, opposing "us" (know) and "they" (don't know).

Thanks for organising it, hope we all learn continuously how to be better scientists, the society needs us!

Photo: Wilfried Posch

Winfried Neuhaus introduced the COST Action IMPROVE by giving a talk entitled "The COST Action Networking Activity IMPROVE" at the Austrian 3Rs Days in Innsbruck, Austria on 6.12.2023. The Austrian 3Rs Days from 5.-7.12.2023 was attended by about 200 international participants, who discussed novel methods and measures of each single R of the three 3Rs, Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal experiments.

Photo: JSAAE
