STSM at TU in Dresden – Report from Ana Margarida Carvalho
Through this STSM, the applicant aimed at learning the methods available at the Host Institution for the bioprinting of alginate-based bioinks embedding hepatic cells, as well as techniques for evaluating the bioprinted constructs and the cells embedded in them. Briefly, during the STSM, the applicant had opportunity to perform the bioprinting of alginate and gelatin bioinks and test the effect of different crosslinking conditions on the stability of the bioprinted constructs. The referred bioinks were also used for embedding hepatic cells, mainly hepatocytes (HepG2 cell line) and hepatic stellate cells (LX-2 cell line). Cells embedded in the scaffolds were analysed using different techniques. Moreover, the applicant was also able to test the 3D bioprinting of a different bioink composed by collagen type I and alginate. The system used for bioprinting at the Host Institution is presented in Figure 1, and representative pictures of the printed scaffolds are shown in Figure 2.
Overall, the initial work plan proposed in the STSM was achieved, as the applicant was able to gain extensive hands-on experience on 3D bioprinting of alginate-based bioinks for creating in vitro liver models that will be essential for her work at the Home Institution iS3 in Porto, Portugal.